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Component overview

TLMDAboutDialog Easily incorporate an "about box" into your application. Supports two different styles (LMD one or a standard Windows about box), several custom captions/ buttons/hints and Internet links. Can be linked to TLMDBitmapList- or TLMDImageList component for display of custom background. Gradient fill in caption bar is supported as well.
TLMDDirDialog Using this non-visual component the user is given the opportunity to select or create a path name quickly. Supports several custom captions/ buttons/hints. Can be linked to TLMDBitmapList- or TLMDImageList component for display of custom background. Gradient fill in caption bar is supported as well.
TLMDTipDialog Use the familiar TipDialog you see in many applications to guide the user through your application. Supports several custom captions/ buttons/hints. Can be linked to TLMDBitmapList- or TLMDImageList component for display of custom background. Gradient fill in caption bar is supported as well.
TLMDWindowListDialog The TLMDWindowListDialog component allows selection of windows or forms within your application (e.g. for displaying or hiding them). Supports several custom captions/buttons/hints. Can be linked to TLMDBitmapList- or TLMDImageList component for display of custom background. Gradient fill in caption bar is supported as well.
TLMDMessageBoxDialog This component has been designed to replace the standard Delphi and Windows API message dialogs. A wild bunch of new properties and features are available, e.g. custom backgrounds (linked to TLMDBitmapList or TLMDImageList) symbol, button/hint/caption, wave and font settings. Gradient fill in caption bar is supported as well.
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