LMD IDE-Tools for Delphi / C++Builder
Date: 06.09.2015 (© by LMD Innovative, (http://www.lmd.de or http://www.lmdinnovative.com)
LMD IDE-Tools is collection of 61 native VCL components which help you to set up a complete IDE environment in a quick and easy way. Extend your applications by providing your customers enhanced possibilities - either by custom scripts or even complete dialogs or additional forms.
This package includes LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit (check also product pages of these packages to learn all available features). Besides that LMD IDE-Tools adds an additional integration package which combines the abilities and features of the standalone packages and adds high level features like IDE services (component palette, IDE manager, synchronizing services), project manager tools (handling of different documents, project view), advanced designing features (alignment palette, support for component editors, object/component view) and so on.
An example IDE project (supporting the script languages included in LMD ScriptPack) is shipped with the package which demonstrates how to set up a complete IDE project.
[Top] System requirements- Compatible with Delphi and C++ Builder XE2 - 10 Seattle, including 64bit support for Delphi XE2 and higher!
- Supported IDEs:
- Delphi 6 - Delphi 10 Seattle
- C++ Builder 6 - C++Builder 10 Seattle
- Delphi 2005.NET - Delphi 2007.NET
- Turbo (2006) Professional versions for Delphi, C++ and Delphi.NET
- All corresponding Studio Products (BDS 2006, CRS 2007, CRS 2009, RAD Studio 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7 etc.)
- Documentation: Includes online help files for Delphi/C++ Builder integration.
- Operating System and hardware requirements depend on the installed Delphi/C++ Builder version.
- Supported operating systems: Win98 and WinNT4 or better (including Windows 7 + 8).
For recent Delphi releases LMD VCL package support same platforms as the VCL which is included in the IDE (e.g. Delphi 2009 officially supports Win2k or better only) [Top]Features
- Includes 61 controls for setting up a complete IDE like environment in a quick and easy way.
- Includes LMD DesignPack. The design features are represented by object inspector like controls, extended form designers, diagram like objects, etc.
- Includes LMD ScriptPack. Includes script control, script source management helpers and multi-module script debugger component.
- Editor features are provided by the SyntaxEdit control which supports syntax highlighting, code folding and ultra fast text-handling.
- Includes LMD InspectorPack!
- Includes LMD IDockingPack!
- The high level components of the IDE integration package provide solutions for common IDE like applications. Examples are component palette, Delphi like object tree, project manager, support for component and property editors, helpers for design/code handling etc.
- Full sourcecode of library included
- Extensive demo projects with sourcecode
- Free updates via Internet for minor version updates
- A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organization at one location
- Free technical support via newsgroup (news.lmdtools.com), e-mail, fax or mail
- Also available as part of LMD VCL Complete
Component Overview
Tab "LMD Design" |
TLMDDBDiagramm The TLMDDBDiagram class represents a more specialized variant of TLMDDiagram component. It is usually used to visualize relationships of database tables, similar to the table relationship diagrams e.g. known from MS Access.
TLMDDiagram The TLMDDiagram component allows display of boxes which can be linked to each other, so that relationships between different items can be made visible.
TLMDServiceProvider The TLMDServiceProvider component is used to organize a service architecture in IDE-Tools applications. |
TLMDPropertyInspector The TLMDPropertyInspector control simulates functionality of the object inspector which is known from the Delphi / CBuilder IDE. With a couple of mouse clicks and a few lines of code you can integrate advanced design features into your applications. In addition the component provides a powerful interface which allows simple integration of own property editors or extended features. |
TLMDDesignPanel The DesignPanel control is required if you want to use TLMDDesigner in connection with a TWinControl descendant (instead of using the "form designer" mode). This control does not provide any design features itself, it handles only the control for which design feature should be enabled (e.g. adds scrollbars when design area extends dimensions of TLMDDesignPanel etc.). |
TLMDDesigner Use TLMDDesigner to make enduser design features similar to the form designer in Delphi IDE available. The control can be used in two ways: At first as stand alone control to set a form in "design mode" or used in connection with TLMDDesignPanel. A TLMDDesignPanel control acts as container for any TWinControl descendant for which runtime design features should be made available.
TLMDObjectComboBox ComboBox like in Delphi object inspector, allowing display and selection of controls in the current designer. |
TLMDModule The TLMDModule component represents within DesignPack the designing-module where several module-related functions and events are centralized. Those utilities are used by other DesignPack controls or by the streaming system.
TLMDDesignObjects TLMDDesignObjects is a component for representing object collections. Instances of this class can be connected to several LMD DesignPack components and play different roles. Like DB-aware Delphi visual controls automatically communicate with datasets, Design Pack controls communicate with TLMDDesignObjects collections. |
TLMDDesignManager Use TLMDDesignManager to connect designer control(s) with object combobox and property inspector components. Thus creation of a designer with object inspector like features is simplified, because almost no synchronization code is required. |
Tab "LMD Script" |
TLMDScriptControl Enables Delphi/CBuilder applications to support active scripting languages installed in Windows Scripting Host. In doing so VCL objects can be used within scripts and vice versa. |
TLMDSourceUtils The TLMDSourceUtils control provides services for parsing, searching and generating of script fragments (e.g. procedures) which can be used as event handlers for components. It is useful when LMD-ScriptPack and LMD-DesignPack packages are combined for setting up an integrated scripting languages IDE. |
TLMDScriptDebugger TLMDScriptDebugger allows true multi-module multi-language debugging capabilities for the script controls. |
Tab "LMD Syntax" |
TLMDEditView TLMDEditView is the visible part in LMD SyntaxEdit. Use this control to specify look and feel, specify different gutter bars, handle keystrokes etc. |
TLMDEditDocument Content/properties of a document and its view are separated in LMD SyntaxEdit. Use the TLMDEditDocument control to handle the content of the document. |
TLMDEditFindDialog TLMDEditFindDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show text search modal dialog. It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditReplaceDialog TLMDEditReplaceDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show text replacement modal dialog. It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditKeyBindingDialog TLMDEditKeyBindingDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show syntax edit key binding modifying dialog. It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditSyntaxSchemeDialog TLMDEditSyntaxSchemeDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show syntax scheme editing dialog. It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditColorSchemeDialog TLMDEditColorSchemeDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show colot scheme editing dialog. It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditGotoLineDialog TLMDEditGotoLineDialog is a non-visual component which can be used to show Delphi IDE like Goto Line dialog.
It indended to be used with TLMDEditView control. |
TLMDEditViewPrintTask This component allows to connect directly to a TLMDEditView control and fetch the printable contents from it. |
Tab "LMD IDE" |
TLMDAlignPalette The non-visual TLMDAlignPalette component allows to display an component alignment palette (as known from the Delphi/C++ IDE). All operations are performed automatically. Simply connect at design-time to a Designer component and show palette at run-time - that's all!
TLMDObjectEditorManager TLMDObjectEditorManager implements an infrastructure system for component editors. Now writing specific component editors is as easy as writing simple property editors! |
TLMDComponentPalette The TLMDComponentPalette control allows to display Delphi like component palette. Any number of components can be registered, different tabs and component images are supported. |
TLMDComponentTree This powerful control allows to use a Delphi IDE like Object TreeView. Collections, child controls etc. are automatically handled. |
TLMDOpenedDocument The TLMDOpenedDocument component represent an opened project document within an IDE application (generally it connects to a node in the Project Manager and receives required notifications (close, save, show etc.)). |
TLMDProjectManager The TLMDProjectManager component is a non-visual component that helps to manage IDE-like projects. In LMD IDE-Tools achitecture a project is a tree of abstract nodes that can represent any project related information, e.g. project groups, projects, documents inside projects, documents parts. |
TLMDIDEManager Use the TLMDIdeManager component to organize/concentrate communication between other LMD IDE-Tools components. It also provides several services to allow automated features and synchronization between affected components (e.g. property inspector, object combo box, component and alignment palette, component tree etc.). |
TLMDDebuggerSource TLMDDebuggerSource is used as an intermediate component between TLMDScriptDebugger from LMD-ScriptPack and debugger related visual controls, such as TLMDVariablesView.
From some viewpoint its analogous to TDataSource stadard VCL component which is used to link data sets with visual data aware controls. |
TLMDCallStackView TLMDCallStackView control shows Delphi IDE like Call Stack view.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDCallStackComboBox TLMDCallStackComboBox control allows to select a procedure from the list of procedures of currently debugging script call stack.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDVariablesView TLMDVariablesView control can be used to show local variables of a debugging script in a hierarchical way; it can be also used to show the result of debug expression evaluations.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDWatchView TLMDWatchView shows Delphi IDE like Watches window.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDEventLogView TLMDEventLogView shows Delphi IDE like Event Log window. Been connected to the script debugger it can automatically catch some standard events, like "breakpoint reached", breakpoint log message, breakpoint log call stack, ect.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDBreakpointsView TLMDBreakpointsView shows Delphi IDE like Breakpoints list.
It can be easily linked with LMD-ScriptPack debugger using TLMDDebuggerSource component. |
TLMDProjectManagerView This component implements hierarchical view for project documents represented by TLMDProjectManager component. |
TLMDDocEditorsView This component implements tabbed editor view for editing opened project documents. |
TLMDComponentBar TLMDComponentBar control allows to display modern, BDS-like, component palette.
Any number of components can be registered, different pages and component images are supported. |
Tab "LMD Print" |
TLMDMLGen LMD *ML Generator separates data from presentation and lets you and your users change the format of the output text without rebuilding the application or changing the data source. *ML Generator uses a template (regular string with XML-like tags) as input and produces some output.
TLMDPrinter TLMDPrinter is a component which handles all the low-level details of interaction with physical printer and Windows printer object hiding the complexity of Windows printing system from the user and allowing him to customize various printing settings like page margins, headers and footers etc. |
TLMDPrintPreviewPanel If you don't want to use predefined TLMDPrintPreviewDialog, this control together with TLMDPrintStatusBar and TLMDPrintToolBar can be used to implement a custom print preview. |
TLMDPrintStatusBar Use this component to add a status bar to a PreviewPanel component. It provides predefined info panels. Use it in connection to the TLMDPrintPreviewPanel component.
LMD PrintPack itself makes use of it in the TLMDPrintPreviewDialog control.
TLMDPrintToolBar A predefined toolbar for use with TLMDPrintPreviewPanel (for printing tasks). |
TLMDPrintPageSetupDialog Implements page setup dialog. |
TLMDPrintDialog Implements print dialog. |
TLMDPrinterSetupDialog Implements printer setup dialog. |
TLMDStringsPrintTask This component allows user to fully define the printable contents for printing strings. |
TLMDImagePrintTask This component allows user to fully define the printable contents for printing images. |
TLMDEditPrintTask This component allows to connect to an edit control and fetch the printable contents from it. |
TLMDStringGridPrintTask This component allows to connect directly to a string grid control and fetch the printable contents from it.
TLMDListViewPrintTask This component allows printing of a ListView control contents in the tabular format. |
TLMDPrintPreviewDialog This component implements print preview dialog. |
Tab "LMD Themes" |
TLMDThemesRibbonAdapter TLMDThemesRibbonAdapter allows to customize look of ribbon control. |
TLMDThemesGradientThemeController Drop TLMDThemesGradientThemeController to a form to add MS Office 2007/2010 styled look to LMD controls with native theme mode. |
TLMDSimpleGradientExtThemeController Same as TLMDSimpleGradientThemeController, but controls TLMDSimpleGradientExtThemeRenderer. |
TLMDSimpleGradientThemeController Drop TLMDSimpleGradientThemeController on a form to apply MS Office 2003-style look to LMD controls with native theme mode. Also, it allows to customize themed drawing via events. |
TLMDFormThemeProvider TLMDFormThemeProvider allows to apply themed look to form's non-client area. |
TLMDThemeEngineController This component exposes some of LMDThemeEngine settings at design-time. LMDThemeEngine is one of custom LMD theme renderers, it implements support of WindowsXP styles (*.msstyles), allowing usage of custom WinXP styles in your application. |
Tab "LMD Plugins" |
TLMDPluginManager This component allows to design easily host applications that can be enhanced by pluggable modules. PluginPack implements plugin framework with flexible architecture: modules can be easily compiled into the host application executable (e.g. for debug purposes, speed/resource usage optimization etc) and detached back with no efforts |
Tab "LMD Inspector" |
TLMDSimplePropInspector TLMDSimplePropInspector allows to use Delphi-like object inspector in your application. |